Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to Play Basketball and be Good at It

How to Play Basketball and be Good at It 
by Cuauhtemoc (a RW7 student)

  Many people in the world like to play or watch basketball for those people who like to learn how to play basketball here are three easy steps to fallow in order to learn how to play basketball and be good it. First you should practice, eat good nutrition and rest well.  
  First of all, in order to learn how to play basketball, you should practice, for example, a least one hour everyday five days a week because the more you practice the more you are going to control the ball. Also, you should run a least for 30 or 40 minutes every day that will help you to have a better condition, for example, having a good condition is really important for those who want to learn how to play basketball. In addition, practice will give you more ability and make you move fast day after day with the ball. Therefore, I think practice is really important in order to learn and become a good player.   
  Second, not only practicing is important, something that is more important is to eat good nutrition in order to learn how to play basketball. For example, eating healthy food will helps you to keep strong and healthy, what kind of food should you eat?  For example, vegetables, meat, rice, fruit, milk, juice and lot of water will help you to keep you in shape, be in shape is important because you can move fast while you are playing. Also, eating whole grain is a good part of good nutrition, because the whole grain will makes your muscles stronger and healthier. Also, drinking protein before a game is really important because that will keep you with energy all game. Therefore, I think nutrition is really important.  
  Finally, not only nutrition is important something that is most important is resting well; for example, resting good is really important too because resting good will give you more energy the next day, to learn how to play basketball.  Also, after a game taking a shower and then read a book that will help you to relax your mind and body. In addition, listening music is another good thing to help you to relax your mind and body. For example, reading a book is a good thing because that will help you to relax your mind and body and you will have a better night of sleep.  Therefore I think resting is one of the most important parts in order to become a good player is resting well. 
  In conclusion, if you want to learn how to play basketball and be good it, you should fallow this easy steps. First you should practice, eat good nutrition and resting good. And this is for people who might want to learn how to play basketball; you should fallow all of these easy steps in order to become a good player.

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