Thursday, January 31, 2013

How To Make LAGMAN

     My name is Ghadeer Bukhari. I’m from Saudi Arabia, but originally I came from somewhere else, because my grandfather came from Turkistan, specifically Uzbekistan, which is a country near Turkey. The Bukharese, my ancestors, migrated from their country, and most who lived in Turkistan left because of the war. Therefore, my grandfather and grandmother came to Saudi Arabia and lived there until they passed away.

     Bukharese people in Saudi Arabia have a special type of food. They are known for their unique ways of cooking. One of their main dishes is called Lagman.

     Lagman basically is noodles with a meat and vegetable soup. It looks familiar, but it’s not. To cook Lagman we have to spend at least four hours, why? Because we make the noodle ourselves, turning the flour to thin noodle with only our hands. Lagman has several main steps that I would like to describe for you.

     First, before cooking you have to prepare the ingredients. You need to cut the meat and any vegetables you like in small pieces. Basically we use potato, green beans, cabbage, celery, and bell pepper. Cut all of them in small cubes. Also, we need tomato sauce, flour, salt and pepper.


     In the beginning, to make the soup; cook the meat with a small amount of Ground onion, salt, and pepper until it well done. Then put the vegetables all together without stirring until they are almost completely cooked in the tomato sauce, adding water if needed. Then, stir everything together. You should be done with the soup for now.

After, make the noodle using only flour and water. Add a small amount of water gradually to the flour until you finally end up with almost solid dough. For the next step, stretch the dough progressively using vegetable oil or margarine to help. Wait for 15-20 minutes between each stretching. After the noodle is ready; boil the noodle for 3 minutes. Then, put it in a bowl with the soup was made earlier. Then serve the Lagman before it gets cold.

     If you don’t know how to eat with chopsticks, start learning now to become one of the Bukharese people who like to use chopsticks to eat Lagman with. 

     Finally, one alternative to shorten the time it takes to make Lagman is to use any kind of ready-made noodle you like, and it will still be delicious, but not as good as the traditional Lagman the Bukharese make. When Lagman is cooked at any house, you should know that there is a special occasion, and there are many people helping each other and spending wonderful time while they are making Lagman. When you try it, you will never be regretted. 

Thank You

Jan 31,13

How to be Happy

Everyone in this life has different characteristics and personalities. Therefore, we have different needs and desires. We share many of them, but everyone certainly will work hard to accomplish their own goals and then consider it as successful. Regardless what kind of successful that is, if it was not accompanied  or resulted  in happiness, it would be regarded as a fail or wasting of time. So, feeling or being happy is very important in my opinion, and it is essential in our life. Happiness is the combination of satisfaction and positive feelings (PBS). Many researchers suggest that happiness is a practice, thoughts, behavior and lifestyle more than a desire that can be achieved by just a saying.  In this essay I will give some advice that will make you happy or at least happier that you are.

First of all, everyone must have a purpose in this life. It will make your life meaningful. We will always try to do the things that might help you to go toward your goal. Also, it will prevent you from falling down and will help you not make any bad decisions that would take you far from your goal. For instance, if someone has the goal to be the president of any country, he will never use drugs that will destroy his life. Rather he will than do good things like sports that increase his effectiveness and make him more active.

Secondly, it is very important to invest and be involved in relationships. We have different levels of sharing our life with other people, but it is very important to exchange our feeling and feel loved by other. Friends and family can give us good advise and support us emotionally and morally. Also, we need to express our gratitude to the people who we love or respect. That will encourage the bond between us and extend the relationship to last longer.

Thirdly, cultivate optimism. We should teach ourselves how to be optimistic. Everything has positives and negatives. Optimism is concentrating on the positive things and thinking about them. Sometime it helps if you pretend that everything is going well, even if it is not. Being optimistic has great power over achieving goals and therefore makes you satisfied and happy. Scientists suggest that whatever we strongly concentrate on will happen and become true. Maybe there are no obvious explanations for that, but it is certainly an effective strategy.

In conclusion, we all want to be successful and accomplish our dreams. We all want have a meaning and motivation in order to do that. Happiness is the thing that makes us proceed in our life toward our desires.  Happiness can be attained in many different ways. It might vary from one person to another. But definitely it is a thing that needs practice, commitment, and discipline.

1- These ideas have been derived form the following website:

How to make orange chicken

                                          How to make Orange Chicken

     Chinese food is well-known by its amount of types and long history method. Orange chicken is a popular dish which widely known by all over the world people. Now I am going to tell about how to cook this dish which is only need 3 steps to make that are easy to make for dinner. There are fry chicken, make sauce and put sauce over chicken.

       First you need to do is to prepare some ingredients that you are going to use to make the dish. They are simply got from almost each Asian market. After you bought all of materials you need. Then you can start to make it .you need to combine flour, salt, and papper which is very easy to do so. Then you need to Dip chicken in egg mixture which is a very important step to make your chicken to be tasted smoothly. Since then you finished that step you can put chicken into the oil Continue to fry you chicken in a deep fryer until fully cooked. Now you have got delicious chicken.

        Meanwhile, you need find a large saucepan combine 1 cup water,1cup lemon juice, and 1 cup orange juice, and soy sauce to mix them together. Heat them in microwave for 2 minutes which can be adjust by yourself if you don’t like that taste. Last but not least, you can Stir in brown sugar, orange zest, ginger garlic, and onion. Bring all of them to a boil that makes sugar, zest, garlic and onion completely work together. 

        Finally, Combine 3 tablespoons of sauce and 1 cup water mix thoroughly. Pour sauce over breaded chicken, and if it desired add green onions and garnish with pepper. You can add them.After all over steps .You got a very delicious orange chicken. Please enjoy it. I tried to make it as this above steps that works very good.

          People like to eat orange chicken, but if you made by yourself it would be much better than others . All of you need are fry the chicken, make a cover sauce and put chicken and sauce together. I think it for sure that you will really enjoy this dish when you make it done.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How to quit smoking

How to quit smoking

  Want to quit smoking? Your're not alone. Before you read the information, check the video up and think for a moment. For many reasons, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can start for your long term health. There are many things that you should think to quit smoking. For example, think about what smoking is doing to you. It can hurt family members, be bad to your teeth and give you bad smell. Smoking kills you in a slow way. Smoker usually get flu and cough more easily. All mentioned below are some excellent advices for you to quit smoking. It’ll benefit to your health and great satisfaction to your personality. Besides, it will decrease your risk of heart attack and other diseases in your life.

  First of all,  in order to quit smoking, it will be better to start by chewing mint gum. This will make you brain forget the bad sensation of smoking. Also, at the same time you chew mint gum, you can enjoy one of your favorite sports or doing exercise such as walking at the park, running in your neighborhood or doing what really love to do, etc. It is many things that you can do by chewing mint gum.

  The second tip that helps you quit smoking is trying some patches. There are two types of patches which are made by NicoDermCQ, ( one of them is for those who have smoked more than ten cigarettes a day and it begins with 21 mg strength. The other one is for those who smoke ten or fewer a day will initiate with 14 mg strength. Depending how many cigarettes you smoke, will be the percent of mg strength that you will take. These patches will last all day it’ll depend how long you will use it on you. Keep doing it and you will be proud of yourself.

  The next step you should do to keep quitting smoking is eat something bitter, such as dark chocolate, cookies, some candy, and also you can have some snacks. That will discontinue your craving for cigarettes and will make you not think about smoking again. Plus you will enjoy eating something you love. Will not be harmful to your body. In addition you should do it all the time when you want a cigarette. That will help you forget your cigarettes. It’ll be varied for each person, but the benefit will be the same plus it’ll work.

  In conclusion, you must want to quit first of all to succeed at this. Smoking is a very hard challenge that most people have in many countries. Nevertheless, we have more power in our mind that will be our weapon to control anything that we want. You can do it. All these tips that I mentioned before will give you strength to keep trying and be healthy. Congratulations you have done it. Please feel free to watch the next video that will show your victory.

How to protect your skin from acne

Adolescence no doubt is the most beautiful part of life, however some girls suffer from annoying acne during this period. Many girls want to make their skin flawless and attractive. It is true that protecting skins well may help people look young or and feel energetic. Here, I want to share with you some tips I have used to protect my skin. I hope you will find a suitable way for yourself!

The Inside Part

Tip 1: Drink water
Remember to drink 2000 milliliter of water everyday.(About eight glasses of water) I understand that you always forget to drink water while working, so you need to think of a symbol to remind yourself to drink water. For me, once I finish drinking a glass of water, I will put the glass upside down, in that way, when I glance at the glass, I will go to get another glass of water. So, try to think of a suitable symbol for yourself. If you do not like water, you can try something new, like, putting some honey or lemons in your water. In that way you will not be tired of drinking water. Anyway enjoy drinking water!

Tip 2:  Eat fruit and vegetables
You need to eat at least one fruit per day. Of course you can choose your favorite fruit, as everyone knows fruit are rich in vitamins. Here I recommend oranges. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which can improve Antioxidant effects. Accordingly, vitamin C can inhibit the formation of pigmentation spots to promote its subsided.

Eat more vegetables than before. Some people may complain that vegetables are not delicious. If so, I will give you some good ideas to make vegetables more delicious. You have to learn to use flavorings. For instance, shrimp, seaweed, mushroom and mustard. (You can buy them in any of the markets in Eugene. If you just want to try my ideas, you can go to Safeway or Walmart and you can get a small amount of that. If you think my suggestion is suitabe for you, then you can go to Costco to get a bunch of that. Anyway, enjoy your vegetables.) If you put into these flavorings when cooking vegetables, you will find that vegetables can be very delicious.

The Outside Part

Tip 1: Wash your face after using computers
Computers are becoming more and more important to our lives. People use them to work, to watch movies, to listen to music, and even children use computers to do their assignments. It is true that we spend a lot of time on computers everyday. As a lot of people don’t know computer radiation is really bad for our skins, so after using computers, you should wash your face with water. In that way your face may feel relaxed and comfortable.

Tip 2: Use a face protection cream frequently
After washing your face, you need to use the face protection cream to protect your skin from being dry and contacting with dust in the air. Dry skin also makes people feel uncomfortable. In the worse case, it may cause dry and peeling skin. In order to prevent skin from being dry, you must remember to use cream every time you finish washing your face. Here is the most important thing you need to pay attention to: choosing the most suitable cream for yourself. I recommend Vaseline because it is easy to find in any markets.

A testimonial
My best friend Ran used to have serious acne on her face when she was a 17-year old girl. At that time, she had no idea about acne. Since my skin was very good, so she asked if there were any tips I had on protecting skin. As good friend I would very much wanted to help her, so I came up with all the tips aforementioned to help her and she has seen great improvement. Here are two pictures which can prove what I said.

As you can see from these two pictures, my friends’ acne noticeably are became better, and she has persisted for three years. So as long as you try, your efforts will also bear fruit. Enjoy protecting your skin!