Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to be Happy

Everyone in this life has different characteristics and personalities. Therefore, we have different needs and desires. We share many of them, but everyone certainly will work hard to accomplish their own goals and then consider it as successful. Regardless what kind of successful that is, if it was not accompanied  or resulted  in happiness, it would be regarded as a fail or wasting of time. So, feeling or being happy is very important in my opinion, and it is essential in our life. Happiness is the combination of satisfaction and positive feelings (PBS). Many researchers suggest that happiness is a practice, thoughts, behavior and lifestyle more than a desire that can be achieved by just a saying.  In this essay I will give some advice that will make you happy or at least happier that you are.

First of all, everyone must have a purpose in this life. It will make your life meaningful. We will always try to do the things that might help you to go toward your goal. Also, it will prevent you from falling down and will help you not make any bad decisions that would take you far from your goal. For instance, if someone has the goal to be the president of any country, he will never use drugs that will destroy his life. Rather he will than do good things like sports that increase his effectiveness and make him more active.

Secondly, it is very important to invest and be involved in relationships. We have different levels of sharing our life with other people, but it is very important to exchange our feeling and feel loved by other. Friends and family can give us good advise and support us emotionally and morally. Also, we need to express our gratitude to the people who we love or respect. That will encourage the bond between us and extend the relationship to last longer.

Thirdly, cultivate optimism. We should teach ourselves how to be optimistic. Everything has positives and negatives. Optimism is concentrating on the positive things and thinking about them. Sometime it helps if you pretend that everything is going well, even if it is not. Being optimistic has great power over achieving goals and therefore makes you satisfied and happy. Scientists suggest that whatever we strongly concentrate on will happen and become true. Maybe there are no obvious explanations for that, but it is certainly an effective strategy.

In conclusion, we all want to be successful and accomplish our dreams. We all want have a meaning and motivation in order to do that. Happiness is the thing that makes us proceed in our life toward our desires.  Happiness can be attained in many different ways. It might vary from one person to another. But definitely it is a thing that needs practice, commitment, and discipline.

1- These ideas have been derived form the following website:

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