Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How To Cleaning Our Room?

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      I have a friend who is a handsome guy. But his room looks unlike what he looks like because it is very messy. So nobody likes to go to his room when he holds parties. I think a lot of young people have the same problem as my friend, especially college students because they do not have much time to clean their rooms perfectly. Therefore, I have some suggestions to share with those college students who have some problems on how to clean their room. I think there are three very important steps which can help us to clean bedroom they are cleaning and organizing your stuff, deep cleaning your room and making finishing touches.
        The first step is organizing and cleaning your stuff, such as shoes, books, clothes and also some little tiny gadgets. You have to put these in the right place and save more space for other stuff. Also, you can buy some racks in the shop before you cleaning your room. Next, you need to organize all of your shoes and put them into the shoe rack. Then, let your books and papers go on a bookshelf. Now, I think we need to pay most attention when we organize clothes. You can put your clothes in the dresser instead of putting them on your bed. Therefore, I have some tips for those students who have no idea how to organize their clothes, just like my friend. First, I suggest you classify the different type of clothes in your closet. For instance, put all of your t-shirts together, hang the coats together  and fold  together on the shelf. It will be more convenient for you to cleaning your room next time, because you will have organized your clothes in this way and you will save a lot of time. Little tasks like this can also give you a sense of accomplishment while you are organizing.

         The second step is deep cleaning your room, and there are many important things we should do. A damp cloth and vacuum are significant tools in this step. You have to make sure to clean out the vacuum bag before you vacuum your carpet. If you do not have carpet, you should sweep the floor with a broom first. Then you can check the dirtiest parts of your bedroom more than once with the vacuum. Afterward, you can use the damp cloth and glass cleaner to wipe the windows. If you do not have glass cleaner, you can use newspapers to go over the glass again after using the damp cloth. You will see the windows become very clean. In addition, do not forget to clean your desk, because after cleaning it will make your desk looks more inviting for study when you clean up your desk with damp cloth. Because this is a thorough cleaning, so you need to be very careful and pay more attention to every detail when you clean up.
          The last step is to make some finishing touches which can make your room looks much better. For example, you can collect the dirty clothes and take off all of bedding and put them in the washer. Now, I have some advice here. You can use this opportunity to flip the mattress. Flipping over your mattress will not only increase its lifespan, but you will also feel great to sleep on the under-used side. After this you can throw the trash into the garbage bin. If you want your bedroom fresher, you can spray some air freshener and open the window to get some fresh air. You can also buy some green plants and set them on the desk, those green plants will make your room look more alive.

         Just remember there there are three steps which you can follow when you clean your bedroom;organize your stuff, deep clean and do some finishing touches. I think once you finish cleaning your bedroom, you will a sense of achievement. Also, you can reward yourself,afterward;grab a cup of coffee and relax. Now,all you have to do is maintain this and you will keep it clean for long time afterward.Those suggestions that I have mentioned above can help you clean your room just unlike my friend,your room will look as good as you do