Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Exciting Vacation

Every year people want to enjoy an exciting and restful vacation.  Nevertheless, it can be a challenge to put it all together.  Where should you go? What is the budget? What is the weather? What should you pack? and so on.  Don’t let that planning process frustrate you.  Below you can find some useful tips to enjoy your vacations every year.

The first step is to identify your preferences and budget. If you are the kind of person who likes to travel a lot, you can organize a lon-distance travel every 2 or 3 years.  To choose your destination, you need to identify what are your preferences.  If you like history, learning about different customs and admiring architecture, you can chose some cities in Europe, North Africa or South America.  You can spend the day visiting some exciting places, and also at night you can have night life activities.  If you like tropical weather with a lot of fun (music, dance, water sports…), you can choose the Caribbean countries.  If you like nature and the environment, you can choose some countries with jungles and mountains.  In order to decide which place is the best for your vacation you can search for information on the Internet. You can find what you like and where it is in a short time.  You can call or visit some travel agencies to obtain information and it is free.

After deciding on the place, you need to analyze your budget.  If you have enough money, it is going to be easier.  You can start planning your budget one or two years before the trip, in order to save money for this exciting plan.  You can open a saving account just for vacations. Every time that you save money or you have extra income you should deposit this in that account.  Sometimes you will have to make some sacrifices to save money, but later you will be rewarded.
Actually, on the market you can find really economical packages, all inclusive trips or charters for special periods. Some airplane companies, hotels or Internet companies like Amazon, Overstock, Expedia or Groupon send email information with good deals.

To obtain the best deals, it is better to buy the package ahead of time.  Usually when the hotels or airplanes are almost full, they will increase the prices.  During the year, we have high and low seasons, according to the weather, vacation season or holidays.  If you choose a period the low season, you will save a lot of money.  

Another way to save money is to rent a cabin or house.  In these places you will have all the facilities to prepare your food instead of spending money in restaurants.  Some hotels offers buffet breakfasts included in the price.  It is a good option because you will have a really good breakfast to maintain your energy all day, and you can pick up some fruit and snacks to eat later.  The all-inclusive packages are recommended for 4 or 5 days because you spend the time just in the hotel or resort.  Usually they have all the facilities like food, beverages, discotheque, sports activities, swimming pool, bars, shows, etc.  It means that you don’t want to leave the place. 

If you don’t have a budget or enough time for a long distance trip, you can still enjoy yourself in your country or city.  You just need to investigate what you have near you.  What are the facilities that the city offers for travel, museums, walks, etc.  For example a train is a good option, you don’t have to drive and you can enjoy the landscape and relax.  Usually those are fast, comfortable and cheap.  According with the season you can chose mountain activities (camping, climbing, cycling, picnic …), beach (walking, surfing, swimming…) or city tours to learn more about the history, life and customs.  Any place that is near a river, lake, ocean or mountains is relaxing and enjoyable.

Any place or activity that you decid to choose is going to help you to renew your energy.  Recharging your mind and body with positive energy will help you to restart your normal life.  The importance of  a vacation is to enjoy the place and the time with your family or friends. 


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